Interview with Tyson Villeneuve, Co-organizer of Le Dîner en Blanc – Vancouver

Since its inaugural edition in 2012, Le Dîner en Blanc has met with resounding success in Vancouver. In 2016, for its 5 th edition, it brought together 6,000 people, making it the second largest Le Dîner en Blanc around the globe (with the top position garnered by Paris, of course). The craze over the Vancouver event pushed co‑organizers Tyson Villeneuve and Jordan Kallman to launch this unique evening in various western Canadian cities: Calgary, Edmonton, and Victoria. On the eve of the 30 th anniversary of Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris, we set out to find out how the event is perceived in that end of the country. Interview with Tyson Villeneuve.

You have been organizing Le Dîner en Blanc since 2012. What motivated you to embark on this adventure?
I had heard about Le Dîner en Blanc while living in France in 1998, and I thought it was a wonderful concept. A few years later, when I found out that the Paris team was looking to develop an event in Vancouver, I wrote to Mr. Pasquier, founder and organizer of Le Dîner en Blanc in Paris, to obtain the foreign reproduction rights. I love the notion of showcasing fellowship and sharing over a meal. In this era of social media, it is important that we see one another in person instead of texting.

How much time does organizing Le Dîner en Blanc require?
As soon as one Dîner en Blanc ends, we hit the ground running. Therefore, we work 364 days a year! The organization is complex, one that requires a lot of logistics. But it’s all worth it. Our Dîner en Blanc events sell out every year. Le Dîner en Blanc – Vancouver has been a success since its inaugural edition.

How do you explain the success of Le Dîner en Blanc – Vancouver?
Vancouver is a city of foodies … of people who love to go out. It is also home to 56,000 Francophiles. So, for our Dîner en Blanc events, we enjoy inviting Francophone musicians to highlight the French culture. I, myself, am half French. The idea of living à la française for a chic evening out, all decked out in white, is quite alluring, and the concept is equally unique. And while drinking alcohol outdoors is usually banned, Le Dîner en Blanc makes it a special opportunity to celebrate among friends.

Tell us about two good memories of your Dîner en Blanc events.
No one can ever forget their very first Le Dîner en Blanc. For me, it took place right here under the Olympic cauldron of Jack Poole Plaza, near the waterfront. A group of jazz and other musicians provided the entertainment that evening. It was magical. Another year, my team and I hired singers from the Vancouver Opera as well as ballet dancers. We were privy to Carmen’s aria, accompanied with dancers meandering among the tables, complete with a pianist. It was wonderful. And immediately afterwards, a zouk group took over!

Do you plan to go to Paris for the 30th anniversary?
Of course! I’ll be going with my wife. At least 80 people from our city also want to go, in addition to our 130 table leaders. This is a unique event, and these very committed people don’t want to miss it. It is going to be an extraordinary party.

How do you see a trip with over 80 people?
I anticipate the trip will go very well! Everyone is very excited and can’t wait to go to Paris because that is where it all began for Le Dîner en Blanc.

If you had to organize Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris, at what site would you choose to hold the event?
At Versailles for sure, even though it has already been held there, or even on the Champs-Élysées. Otherwise, the Bois de Boulogne would allow us to return to our roots, since that is where the first Dîner en Blanc was held. The Grande Arche de la Défense would also provide a spectacular venue.

Beyond the event itself, what does Le Dîner en Blanc mean for you?
For me, it’s a dream come true, one that I have pursued for a year. When I set my mind to organizing it in Vancouver, no one thought I would be able to pull it off because of all of the red tape. But I succeeded, and I am very proud of it. Here we are at our seventh edition, and the event is a huge hit.

Text: Diane Stehlé

Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris on Social Media


Le Dîner en Blanc - Paris Postponed to 2023

07 September 2022
The event scheduled for September 15, 2022 has been postponed until summer 2023.
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Save the Date! Thursday, September 15th 2022

06 July 2022
After two years of waiting, it is with great pleasure and a certain emotion that I announce the return of the traditional and authentic Dîner en Blanc.
For the first time in its history, Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris will open the festivities of the European Heritage Days on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022
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Call for Volunteers Leaders - Le Diner en Blanc de Paris 2022

05 July 2022
Le Dîner en Blanc has been able to cross time and borders thanks to the precious collaboration of hundreds of people called "Leaders".
Participating as a Leader requires little time and is a great opportunity to expand your circle of friends while making Le Dîner en Blanc experience even more memorable.
If you are interested, have good organizational skills and you are ready to travel to Paris, we would love to have you join us.
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Search Event Project Manager / Co-organizer

17 June 2022
The organizer is looking for an Event Project Manager, and an experienced person willing to invest in the long term in the organization of the Diner en Blanc de Paris, as co-organizer.
The Event Project Manager oversees all stages of the organization. The event project manager oversees all stages of the organization. A true orchestra conductor, he/she has an eye on everything: team building, planning, communication strategy, etc.
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Message from François Pasquier to the friends of the Dîner en Blanc de Paris 2022

14 June 2022
This message is addressed to all my friends of the Diner en Blanc de Paris in order to answer their questions concerning the future of this event which is now more than thirty years old.
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Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris In The Media

11 June 2018
On Sunday June 3rd was held the 30th Anniversary of Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris. A record number of guest gathered at the Esplanade des Invalides to share a delicious meal in good company and to toast to 30 years of a concept that has impress the world.
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Interview with Elizabeth Hall, Super Fan of Le Dîner en Blanc

08 May 2018
Thanks to hundreds of passionate Volunteer Leaders like Elizabeth Hall, nearly 5000 participants from all over the world will attend Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris on June 3rd. Elizabeth (American Blogger, Francophile, citizen of Los Angeles and the world) shares her passion for Le Dîner en Blanc with her contagious good mood and enthusiasm.
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Interview with François Pasquier, Founder of Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris

08 March 2018
On June 3rd, Le Dîner en Blanc will celebrate its 30th anniversary. As the event approaches, François Pasquier, founder and organiser of Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris, looks back over these many years of celebratory gatherings and shares a few anecdotes from along the way.
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Special Invitation for the 30th Anniversary of Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris: June 3, 2018

02 February 2018
Chers amis, On Sunday, June 3, 2018, in one of Paris’ most prestigious locations, an immense Le Dîner en Blanc will bring together some 20,000 people, half of whom are from other countries, to dine at the same table. We extend this invitation to thousands of people who, on all continents...
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