Call for Volunteers Leaders - Le Diner en Blanc de Paris 2022
Dear friends,
As you know, Le Dîner en Blanc is a great friendly gathering that has been held in Paris for 33 years and in a hundred of the world's largest cities for the past twelve years.
The continuity of this gathering, initially made up of friends, has led over time to the creation of a particular concept that carries an ethic, an aesthetic and, of course an organization.
This year, Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris, while keeping its specificity, will get closer to the organization of Dîner en Blanc International in order to allow it to keep its leadership and its role of reference with regard to the hundreds of Dîner en Blanc organized each year in the world.
Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris is therefore actively looking for volunteer Leaders who would like to get involved in this new organization.
Having already participated in several Dîner en Blanc, speaking English, having a little time and having a good sense of organization would be appreciated assets.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to register.dinerenblanc.com/paris/en/register enter your email address, and click on "Become a volunteer leader".
Whether as a leader or as a guest, it is together that we will write the 34th page of this beautiful and great Parisian history.
I look forward to seeing you on September 15!
Aymeric Pasquier & Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris team